The Amy Eagan Podcast for November 11, 2023

Gary (00:04.31)
Welcome to the Amy Eagan podcast. My name is Gary Stocker, where each Saturday, Linda Wood University head women's basketball coach, Amy Eagan talks women's basketball and much, much more. We'll talk about past games, future games, the Ohio Valley Conference, the NCAA academics, careers, and many other interesting topics. Amy, I know you're in Ohio today. How was the drive?

amy (00:28.016)
It wasn't too bad. It was sunny the whole way. You know, we had a.

is pretty much interstate the whole way so it was okay it was about five hours right around there

Gary (00:38.53)
So you've been at Lindenwood, you've been in St. Charles for about seven months now. You've got your first game under your belt. Share those initial perceptions with our listeners.

amy (00:47.959)
Yeah, absolutely. You know, you never know having a whole new team and a whole new staff, how kids are gonna come out that first game. And we're pretty young, having nine freshmen. So, I was really interested to see how we were gonna come out, what our mentality was going to be. And overall, I was really, really happy with our kids. I think we talked a little bit after the game about-

how we did a great job of staying the course. They got out early on as Tulsa did, and we really just kept our heads, kept our minds, and we just kept plugging away, and eventually we were able to close that gap. And I was just really, really happy with our mentality during that time. And then I thought we really made some great plays, both on the offensive and defensive end. We just weren't able at the end to really carry it out. And I think for this group, you know, and I talked a little bit to them about it afterwards, is just understanding, number one, you're good.

Number two, don't be happy just to be in a game with a great team like Tulsa. Let's go win it. And I think we had the possibilities of winning the other night. We just weren't able to get to that point mentally and execution wise down the stretch. But overall, I was really, really happy with our group. And I've said it, I think probably to everybody that's asked, I just really enjoy this group. I think we've got a great group of women on and off the floor that-

work hard that are driven that are here to do some really great things in the program And that makes all the difference when you're a coach

Gary (02:17.31)
And so as we start year one in the Amy Eagan tenure at Lindenwood, what are some of the things we should look for from the girls as they mature game after game and gain that and get that experience?

amy (02:27.583)
Yeah, well, I think, you know, for us, it's about developing them, not just on the floor, but off the floor. But when you talk about on the floor, you know, and especially having nine freshmen, you know, we didn't have time this past summer with them to work on any part of their game. You know, we did a lot of team stuff, offensive stuff, defensive stuff to kind of lay the groundwork for who we were. So typically in the summer, we have a lot of time to really build on their skill to add to their game.

and I think you'll see a lot of that as our kids progress through our program. I think they'll continue to get better and better. I think we do a really good job of teaching the game offensively and defensively to them. So I think their IQs naturally increase with that. So I think you're going to see a bunch of kids that just continue to get better in their game, that grow together and they're going to help take our program to that next level.

Gary (03:19.294)
And then you and I have talked about this before, and I know I was impressed as I watched you recruit players for your first year at Lindenwood. It had to be tough. What approach did you and your staff take in that first year scrambling, I think, to get those recruits?

amy (03:34.719)
Yeah, you know, we've been coaching a long time, you know, and I brought Jordan and Taylor with me. So, you know, at Drury, we were recruiting a lot of high level kids and I feel like a lot of D1 kids, you know, D1 level talent kills. And that's part of the reason we were so good there is because we were getting that next level kid. And so when you talk about some of the connections we already had, whether it's with recruits and kids or whether it's with AU coaches or high school coaches, we already had that and had our hands in.

and in some conversation with some of those kids that were higher level. So I think that really helped us first off with it. I think secondly, you know, recruiting to our style of play I think is honestly a little bit easy to do because I think kids really enjoy playing in it. I think it's a lot of work, but I think it's fun. I think it's exciting. I think it breeds team.

you know because we work so much on the defensive end and doing it on the defensive end as a team that it takes a care of a lot of the offensive stuff so I think for us you know it was tough you know people asked me about April May and June and in all honesty was a blur to me because you know we have visit after visit we were trying to get into the portal some and really just kind of get a mix you know and

I knew I wanted to get some freshmen in here to really lay the foundation for who we are, especially with culture and you talk about building it. And man, did we get the right freshmen in here. And, you know, three of them were from the year before when they signed them, the staff before they signed them, but just great kids that really, really fit who we are on and off the floor. And that's what's important to us. You know, it's not all about.

You know being able to produce wins. It's about right having the right people and the right kids that fit who you want to be And what you want your program to be about

Gary (05:27.326)
So let's go back to the Tulsa game. So I think you referenced it. It was a tough start down 18 to 2. And I've been to a lot of basketball games. And I've been to a lot of women's basketball games at Lindemann. And I'll tell you, coach, the next 15 minutes were scintillating down 18 to 2. And then you took the lead. Your team took the lead a couple of times late in that first half. What was going on?

amy (05:29.526)

amy (05:42.665)

amy (05:50.135)
Yeah, I think some of that was nerves at the beginning. You know, I think as a staff, we knew exactly what Tulsa was gonna do and that was run, run. And I think our kids were a little bit shell shocked on how fast they were able to run, how athletic they were. And then I think we just had a lot of nerves, you know? I'm sure, you know, if I'm in their situation as a player, I would, I'm sure I'd be the exact same way, like what is this gonna look like?

you know, how are we gonna be, you know, those kind of things with it. So I think some of that was nerves at the beginning. I think some of that was just us figuring out that, hey, like, okay, let's settle in here. This is how they're gonna play. We've got to respond to it. And really just, as I tell them, stay in the course. You know, that's something that's really, really big for us because a lot of times with how we play, we do give up some things early and give up some things easy. But if we stay the course and we continue to fight, a lot of times we'll end up wearing.

teams down. And I did think that I thought we got a little bit more tired than I wanted in the third and fourth quarter. But I thought overall we did a really good job of just really staying the course mentally and physically and wearing on them in that second quarter.

Gary (07:02.314)
In the back, you know, that the press, and again, that 15 scintillating minutes that I was talking about, that's really when Tulsa appeared to get rattled, but they did appear to make adjustments in the second half. What did they do?

amy (07:14.295)
Yeah, I thought they made some really good adjustments in the second half with stuff. I mean, they put in a really, at halftime, they put in a really good, I thought, press break that kind of rattled our kids a little bit and actually slowed us down from pressing them with it. So I think that was probably the biggest thing. We had a little bit more trouble. And then, like I said, I think some of that, like we wore down a little bit and we knew that, man, if we could, if we had a little bit more in us.

I think we could have given them a little run down the stretch for further money. But also thought they did a really good job. Delaney Crawford who played for them, I think she had 35. She wasn't attacking as much in the first half and I thought the second half she really got to the rim really well for them. Took some of that pressure off the three point shooters because she was really able to get downhill and get herself to the rim and I thought we struggled to guard that a little bit.

Gary (08:08.67)
And so you're in Ohio, this must be the Ohio tour for Linda Wood women's basketball and you've got Dayton tomorrow. And I know you're at the University of Cincinnati later in the week. What are you looking for in game two?

amy (08:21.107)
Yeah, really, you know, the same mentality, I think, first and foremost, the same energy, the same focus that we had, you know, with executing some of the game plan and then continue it. You know, I just told them out of film, I said, listen, I expect us to have that same line mentality, the exact same way we approached it last game, but this time, let's not be surprised when we're in the game. Let's not be surprised if we're if we're winning the game. You know, let's continue to push. Let's know that we belong there.

and let's go out and win a game. And I think they understand what I'm talking about with that because I do think they were a little bit like, hey, we're in this game with Tulsa, yay, you know? Instead of, no, we can go win this. So that's really what I expect first and foremost from them. You know, we're going to have some hard times this year. I mean, you know, I know that in my mind when you have a lot of freshmen, it's not.

It's probably one of the hardest things is for them to stay as consistent as you need them to stay to win games. So I'm anxious to see how we if we can put two games back to back and really come out and execute the way we did first the first game.

Gary (09:28.738)
So Dayton was, either way you look at it, blessed or burdened to start their season at UConn a couple nights ago. And as you might expect, it didn't go well. Do you think that has an impact on a team like Dayton coming from the mountaintop back down to Dayton to play Lindenwood?

amy (09:35.255)

amy (09:45.343)
No, I don't. I mean, I think they knew probably what they were getting themselves into I think for them was probably a good test It's year two for the coach there good test to see exactly maybe where they're at within year two in regards to maybe taking that next step in their program, you know and I think you're always looking at those things as a coach and And so they probably have a better idea and a better feel of hey if we want to get to that next level You know, this is our next level recruit or this is what it needs to look like

But I think for them, going to play UConn I'm sure was like a little bit more of an experience than anything for them. But I'm sure they're going to be ready. It's their first home game opening up at home and in front of their crowd. And that always means something.

Gary (10:32.234)
And Dane's in the LAC10 conference, the same one as St. Louis area. In your mind, how does the A10 compare to the Ohio Valley Conference that Linda Wood is a member of?

amy (10:36.077)

amy (10:43.327)
Yeah, if you look at the stats in that, you know, I think it's from top to bottom stronger than the Ohio Valley Conference right now. But I do think the Ohio Valley Conference is gaining some ground and, you know, I think we're talking a lot about that as a conference and talking a lot about that as coaches and it's something that we know is important.

You know, if we can go out tomorrow and we can beat an A-10 team, I think that really, really looks good for our conference and obviously also for us.

Gary (11:17.302)
And a couple more questions before we just go and get your final game preparations ready for tomorrow. So you and I have talked about this before. Lindenwood is in its only its second year at the NCAA Division I level. And just for your women's basketball program, what are some of the top challenges you faced in year two?

amy (11:34.475)
Yeah, you know, I think probably for us is still just getting our program and getting Linda Wood to that level of D1 in regards to some of the facilities and those kind of things. You know, when you make that jump, it doesn't happen overnight. I think we've been really, really blessed that it's probably happened sooner for us than a lot of other teams that are making that jump or have made that jump. But we're still not there yet in a lot of ways, you know, and so that's probably the biggest challenge with stuff.

is continuing to build it and continue to make sure that we're headed in the right direction as an institution, as an athletic department. I really do believe we are. So I would say that's the biggest challenge. I mean, the whole year for us this year is a challenge in regards to just learning. We learn new things as a staff every day. We learn new things as a program every day. I think our kids are continually learning. We're continually asking more of them.

and asking them to do things that they've never done before and do it better than they've never done it before and holding them accountable off the off the floor in the classroom and those kind of things. So it's just a lot of change for everyone, but it's great. It's good change and like I said, you know, I think we've been very I've been very lucky and very blessed. I have the right people, the right staff, the right players and that we're really having a lot of fun with what we're doing and we look forward to what's to come.

Gary (13:02.878)
And then let's wrap this up with kind of a history and jumping forward. And you came to Linda Wood from a ridiculously successful tenure at Drury and something like 89 and seven, something like that. How do you continue that in the coming years at a place like the Linda Wood?

amy (13:19.091)
Yeah, I mean our approach and our mentality as a staff is the exact same as their. Now we've had to change, you know, I've had to change the way I approach and speak to the kids in regards to it's just different when you're building verse when you're already there. You know, it's different when you talk about mentality wise, when you're already there verse when you're building. It's different when you talk about.

with pressure when you're building versus when you're already there. So, like the conversations are different, but the focus, the mentality, how we do things, our expectations are the same. And we're going to continue to do that. And again, I think, you know, when you have the right kids in the program that are willing to listen to you and understand that you do know what it takes to play at that level, to be at that level, to win.

You know, I think you'll see some great things happen in your program. And I think we're already seeing some of that. I think we still got a long ways to go. But I definitely think we're seeing some of that and seeing it maybe quicker than I thought we would. But I'm really, really happy with that.

Gary (14:26.882)
So you've been listening to the Amy Eagan podcast where we discuss Linwood University women's basketball. Join us each Saturday as coach Eagan and I and others in time discuss basketball and much, much more. for Amy Eagan, I'm Gary Stocker. Good day.

The Amy Eagan Podcast for November 11, 2023
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